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A team ready to listen

If we were to use an image to symbolize the LMSYS team, it would certainly be that of a tree’s growth rings. It was built around the founders, year after year, beginning its life in the bark and now constituting the solid wood of the company, its base and its essence.

A close-knit team ready to grow anew as its projects unfold, each and every one contributing his or her DNA to the common heritage to develop vigorous new branches in search of light. We like to think that the company gives everyone the opportunity to grow as part of the collective, and that our know-how grows with them. A professional team that doesn’t take itself too seriously!

The founders

Laurent Monteiro

Associate Director

Laurent Ulmi

Associate Director

Mathieu Le Gleut

Associate Director

Sylvain Martin

Associate Director

The team

Beverly Pillette

Executive assistant

Charlotte Abadie

Project manager,
software development

Dylan Vallee


Eddy Fromentin

systems and networks

Éloïse Sevin

Artistic director

Fabienne Gicquel

systems and networks

Franck Heliere

systems and networks

Gwenael Piaudel

systems and networks

Johann Prod’homme

Sales Director, Responsible Digital Product Owner

Lottie-Ann Quere

Systems administrator
and networks

Mael Uguen

systems and networks

Margaux Barbier


Simon Pfab

systems and networks

A question, a need? Contact us!