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Quality of life at work

Our approach to CSR is constantly evolving, so we have focused our efforts on certain areas that we consider to be priorities. In particular, the work environment is an essential aspect of corporate life. The layout of our premises has been designed to offer the best possible working conditions and a warm welcome for our customers.

Our premises are a reflection of who we are, and we like to share them with our staff and show them to our visitors. Several spaces have been defined to combine brightness, volume and comfort according to different uses (reception, open-space, meeting rooms, phone boxes, living and relaxation rooms); if you visit us, we’ll explain what’s behind the coding of our rooms ;-)!

And in keeping with the old adage of “a healthy mind in a healthy body”, fresh fruit is delivered weekly to the team, and showers are also available on our premises to enable sports activities during lunch breaks.

Sustainable Digital

In response to the environmental upheavals our planet is experiencing, our economic activities are undergoing profound and necessary changes. The environmental footprint of digital technology has been documented for several years, but awareness of this issue has only recently gained momentum. Adopting a responsible digital approach has become an obvious, long-term strategy for our business and the support we wish to offer our customers. As we know, the impact of infrastructure and hardware largely dominates usage and software, so we’re in the front line when it comes to activating significant levers of action in our field of activity. We also monitor the resources that LMSYS consumes for its daily needs. LMSYS has set the goal of covering 100% of our electricity consumption with a renewable energy source by the end of 2024.

Our technical partners are also committed to this approach, and we now have some very concrete solutions for taking action (high-performance reconditioned equipment, optimization audits, digital eco-design, etc.). Our approach is to take a pragmatic look at the subject, making informed choices on the strict need for resources to be deployed, their scalability, security and simplification of processes in line with our customers’ specifications, while cultivating the idea that digital sobriety can be synonymous with performance and modernity.

Humanitarian commitments

LMSYS has chosen to support the Noukou association, whose aim is to help children in Togo in emergency situations. Each year, we choose the project we wish to support financially from among the missions on offer. We have thus been able to contribute to the construction of a school infirmary (2014), the purchase of arable land (2016) and the payment of school fees for 70 children in the communes of Lomé and Atakpamé (2021).

A question, a need? Contact us!