LMSYS LAB : innovation for all
Innovation is an integral part of the entrepreneurial spirit at LMSYS. And because we like to share our adventures and support yours, we’ve created LMSYS LAB. More than just a name, it illustrates our desire to support all initiatives and grow with them. More concretely, LMSYS LAB brings together 2 programs:
- A Startup program for project leaders, business creators or managers of a department or company wishing to test and structure their innovation.
- An internal innovation program aimed at employees of our company wishing to develop their idea with the support and skills of LMSYS.

LMSYS LAB Startup program
Today, digital technology is an integral part of most innovative projects. Whether it is central to the innovation theme, or an essential ancillary tool for project management, digital technology has several aspects that need to be taken into account in order to objectively assess the feasibility of the project itself. In this respect, the question of IT infrastructure is rarely addressed in the early stages of an idea’s maturation, even though its technical and financial impact is often decisive.
What type of hosting will I need? How much resources will I need in the cloud? What critical data will I need to back up and secure in the event of an incident? Should I deport part of my infrastructure to offer my solution online, or should I invest in my own infrastructure to control everything in-house? What maintenance services will enable me to guarantee 7/24 service?
To answer these kinds of questions, we put at your disposal a personalized support service, our prototyping capacity thanks to dedicated tools and technical resources to test your solutions and their scalability, and a network of privileged partners to provide complementary answers.

Internal innovation program
We have ideas too! And among them may lie a new automation tool, a new service to offer our customers, a new contribution to our commitment to Responsible Digital, or a new project that will embody a fully-fledged development of our business? To give ourselves the chance of one of these predictions coming true, while at the same time rewarding the initiative of our team members, we have set up an internal innovation program.
The principle is simple: several times a year, we convene a committee of people selected at random from within the team to hear project proposals put forward by one or more team members. If the project is selected, it will be supported both in terms of human resources, by allocating dedicated time to the project, and technically, by allocating technical resources.
Discover our first projects soon!

Ongoing Projects
Cooling systems consume up to 40% of the energy used by data centers. Even for more modest on-premises infrastructures, the energy expenditure for server room air conditioning is significant. Additionally, its environmental footprint is far from negligible because the refrigerant gases used, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), have a greenhouse effect that is 1,300 times more impactful on the climate than CO2!
As part of its Responsible Digital approach, LMSYS has set the goal of completely eliminating air conditioners from its server room by 2026. To achieve this, LMSYS will rely on the expertise of its industrial partners to deploy a freecooling solution combined with a closed-loop liquid cooling system for its servers. The residual heat will also be reinjected into the building’s ventilation system during the winter to reduce heating needs.